DomainWebservice SOAP WebService interface description
Webservice Endpoint URI:
Rest Json URI:
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API functions:
Exported types:
API functions
Responsemessage ackpoll (
positiveInteger apilogid,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Acknowledge log message from call made via API.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger apilogid
ID of message to mark as read.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage cancelDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Cancel Domain. Current Owner has to allow or deny the termination by clicking a link that is sent to him via e-mail.
Process ends after 5 days if not answered.
Inclusive domains that were ordered with a hosting product have to be canceled with this product.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage changeOwnerDomain (
integer new_handle_id,
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Change Ownerhandle. Current Owner has to allow or deny the ownerchange by clicking a link that is sent to him via e-mail.
Process ends after 5 days if not answered.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- integer new_handle_id
Handle ID of the contact that should be the new owner.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage createDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
Contactentries contacts,
Nameserverentries nameservers,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Create a new domain for a fee.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- Contactentries contacts
Ids of the contact handles registered previously. Format like this: $assignedhandletypes_obj = new Contactentries(); $assignedhandletypes_obj->ownerc = 111; $assignedhandletypes_obj->adminc = 222;
- Nameserverentries nameservers
object of nameservers. Please define as object in format for example: $nameservers = new Nameserverentries(); $nameserverentry1 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry1->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::8"; $nameservers->nameserver1 = $nameserverentry1; $nameserverentry2 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry2->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::7"; $nameservers->nameserver2 = $nameserverentry2;
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage createHandle (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
handletyp type,
max80chars name,
organisation organisation,
max63chars street,
max12chars postalcode,
max63chars city,
countrycode2char countrycode,
telephone telephone,
email email,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
ArrayOfOptionalhandleattributes optionalhandleattributes
Create a contact handle in data base. Contact handles are mandatory for ordering domains.
Fields type, name and organisation can not be changed by an update.
Field email can not be changed if domain is used at a global top-level domain.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- handletyp type
type of the handle like organisation or person
- max80chars name
full name of the contact.
- organisation organisation
organisation like company name.
- max63chars street
- max12chars postalcode
postal code
- max63chars city
- countrycode2char countrycode
countrycode in ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 format. 2 char codes like CH for Switzerland.
- telephone telephone
telephone number
- email email
email address
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- ArrayOfOptionalhandleattributes optionalhandleattributes
Optional handle attributes as array of Optionalhandleattribute. Please define in format for example: $optionalhandleattribute = new Optionalhandleattribute(); $optionalhandleattribute->item = 'state'; $optionalhandleattribute->value = UtilityText::utf8Encode("Bayern"); $optionalhandleattributes[] = $optionalhandleattribute; $optionalhandleattribute = new Optionalhandleattribute(); $optionalhandleattribute->item = 'handlecomment'; $optionalhandleattribute->value = UtilityText::utf8Encode("Important customer"); $optionalhandleattributes[] = $optionalhandleattribute; Possible values are: "fax" fax number in format +49.12345678, "state" max40chars state for example Sachsen, "handlecomment" max80chars comment for the handle. Value will not be transfered to any registry., "birthdate" dateformatyyyymmdd date of birth in format YYYY-MM-DD, "birthplace" max70chars place of birth, "birthcountrycountrycode" countrycode2char country of birth, "birthstate" max63chars state of birth, "birthplacepostalcode" max12chars place of the postcode, "registrationnumber" max70chars registernumber, "idcardnumber" max70chars passportnumber, "idcardissuedate" dateformatyyyymmdd passport date of issue in format YYYY-MM-DD, "idcardissueauthority" max70chars passport issuing authority, "taxnumber" max70chars tax number, "vatnumber" max70chars sales tax number, "aeroensid" max70chars aeroensid mandatory for .aero domains, "aeroenspassword" max70chars aeroenspassword mandatory for .aero domains, "xxxmemberid" max20chars xxxmemberid mandatory for .xxx domains, "xxxmemberpasswort" max20chars xxxmemberpasswort mandatory for .xxx domains, "proprofession" max70chars profession mandatory for .pro domains, "traveluin" max20chars traveluin mandatory for .travel domains, "trademarknumber" max80chars brandnumber, "trademarkcountrycode" countrycode2char registry place of the brand, "coopverificationcode" max20chars coopverificationcode, "asiatypeofentity" asiatypeofentity type of legal peronality mandatory for .asia domains. Allowed values are: naturalPerson, corporation, cooperative, partnership, government, politicalParty, society, institution, "asiaformofidentity" asiaformofidentity form of identity mandatory for .asia domains Allowed values are: certificate, legislation, passport, politicalPartyRegistry, societyRegistry, "asiaidentnumber" max255chars identificationnumber mandatory for .asia domains, "jobstitelposition" max70chars title or position mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobswebsite" url URL of website mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobsindustrytype" max128chars type of company mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobscontactisadmin" yesno Yes or No mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobsassociationmember" yesno Yes or No mandatory for .jobs domains, "esnumbertype" esnumbertype NIF/NIE/DNI-number type mandatory for .es domains, "esnifnienumber" max70chars NIF/NIE/DNI-number mandatory for .es domains, "uritemplate" uritemplate Contact for .de Domains that starts either with mailto:email@domain.tld or a URL to a contact form. You can add {Alabel} (ACE-String) or {Ulabel} (UTF-8-String) that contains domain name including top-level domain., "countryofcitizenshipcountrycode" countrycode2char country of countryofcitizenship, "nexusCategory" nexus category C11, C12, C21, C31, C32 mandatory for .us domains
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage deleteHandle (
positiveInteger handle_id,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Delete a contact handle in data base.
You can only delete a handle in the netcup database, if it is not used with a domain.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger handle_id
Id of the contact.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage getAuthcodeDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get auth info for domain.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage infoDnsRecords (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get all records of a zone.
Zone must be owned by customer.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage infoDnsZone (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get information about dns zone in local nameservers.
Zone must be owned by reseller.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage infoDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
registryinformationflag registryinformationflag
Info Domain. Get Information about domain. All avaliable information for own domains. Status for other domains.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- registryinformationflag registryinformationflag
TRUE getinformation from registry (may be limited)|registryinformationflag FALSE get information from netcup data base only. Field is optional. Default FALSE.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage Responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage infoHandle (
positiveInteger handle_id,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get Information about a handle.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger handle_id
Id of the contact
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage listallDomains (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get information about all domains that a customer owns. For detailed information please use infoDomain
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc. Contains DomainObject objects in responsedata field.
Responsemessage listallHandle (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get ids and name of all handles of a user. If Organisation is set, also value of organisation field.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage login (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apipassword,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Create a login session for API users.
A login has to be send before each request.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apipassword
API password set in customer control panel.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc. In responsedata field: string $apisessionid Server generated ID to be used with further requests when login was successful.
Responsemessage logout (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
End session for API user.
A login has to be send before each request.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage poll (
positiveInteger messagecount,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get all messages that are not read.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger messagecount
maximum number of unread messages to receive.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc. In responsedata field: ArrayOPollObject Unread Messages for this customer.
Responsemessage priceTopleveldomain (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
topleveldomain topleveldomain,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Get price for a top-level domain.
Current discounts are considered, but can be limited by time or amount.
Prices for premium domains can be higher.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
Transfers between netcup customers can result in addional costs for ownerchanges. See customer control panel.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- topleveldomain topleveldomain
Name of the top-level domain without dot. For example de.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc. Contains TopleveldomainObject objects in responsedata field.
Responsemessage transferDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
Contactentries contacts,
Nameserverentries nameservers,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
string authcode,
clientrequestid clientrequestid
Incomming transfer a new domain for a fee.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
Transfers between netcup customers can result in addional costs for ownerchanges. See customer control panel.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- Contactentries contacts
Ids of the contact handles registered previously. Format like this: $assignedhandletypes_obj = new Contactentries(); $assignedhandletypes_obj->ownerc = 111; $assignedhandletypes_obj->adminc = 222;
- Nameserverentries nameservers
object of nameservers. Please define as object in format for example: $nameservers = new Nameserverentries(); $nameserverentry1 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry1->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::8"; $nameservers->nameserver1 = $nameserverentry1; $nameserverentry2 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry2->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::7"; $nameservers->nameserver2 = $nameserverentry2;
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- string authcode
AuthInfo code for this domain.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage updateDnsRecords (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
Dnsrecordset dnsrecordset
Update DNS records of a zone. Deletion of other records is optional.
When DNSSEC is active, the zone is updated in the nameserver with zone resign after a few minutes.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- Dnsrecordset dnsrecordset
Object that contains DNS Records.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage updateDnsZone (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
Dnszone dnszone
Update DNS zone.
When DNSSEC is active, the zone is updated in the nameserver with zone resign after a few minutes.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- Dnszone dnszone
Object that contains settings for DNS zone.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage updateDomain (
domainname domainname,
positiveInteger customernumber,
Contactentries contacts,
Nameserverentries nameservers,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
keepdnssecrecords keepdnssecrecords,
DnssecentriesObject dnssecentries
Update a domain contacts and nameserver settings.
For updateing owner handle use changeOwnerDomain.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- domainname domainname
Name of the domain including top-level domain.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- Contactentries contacts
Ids of the contact handles registered previously.
- Nameserverentries nameservers
object of nameservers. Please define as object in format for example: $nameservers = new Nameserverentries(); $nameserverentry1 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry1->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry1->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::8"; $nameservers->nameserver1 = $nameserverentry1; $nameserverentry2 = new Nameserverentry(); $nameserverentry2->hostname = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv4 = ""; $nameserverentry2->ipv6 = "123:0000:4:5600::7"; $nameservers->nameserver2 = $nameserverentry2;
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- keepdnssecrecords keepdnssecrecords
TRUE Saved DNSSEC records will be preserved|keepdnssecrecords FALSE Saved DNSSEC records will be deleted. Information is only relevant if you use DNSSEC. Field is optional. Default FALSE.
- DnssecentriesObject dnssecentries
DNSSEC entries for a domain Field is optional.
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Responsemessage updateHandle (
positiveInteger customernumber,
string apikey,
string apisessionid,
positiveInteger handle_id,
handletyp type,
max80chars name,
organisation organisation,
max63chars street,
max12chars postalcode,
max63chars city,
countrycode2char countrycode,
telephone telephone,
email email,
clientrequestid clientrequestid,
ArrayOfOptionalhandleattributes optionalhandleattributes
Update a existing contact handle in data base and at registries where it is used.
Handle is created at a registry as soon as it is used.
This function is avaliable for domain resellers.
- positiveInteger customernumber
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- string apikey
Unique API key generated in customer control panel.
- string apisessionid
Unique API session id created by login command.
- positiveInteger handle_id
Id of the contact that will be updated.
- handletyp type
type of the handle like organisation or person
- max80chars name
full name of the contact.
- organisation organisation
organisation like company name.
- max63chars street
- max12chars postalcode
- max63chars city
- countrycode2char countrycode
countrycode in ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 format. 2 char codes like CH for Switzerland.
- telephone telephone
telephone number
- email email
email address
- clientrequestid clientrequestid
Id from client side. Can contain letters and numbers. Field is optional.
- ArrayOfOptionalhandleattributes optionalhandleattributes
Optional handle attributes as array of Optionalhandleattribute. Please define in format for example: $optionalhandleattribute = new Optionalhandleattribute(); $optionalhandleattribute->item = 'state'; $optionalhandleattribute->value = UtilityText::utf8Encode("Bayern"); $optionalhandleattributes[] = $optionalhandleattribute; $optionalhandleattribute = new Optionalhandleattribute(); $optionalhandleattribute->item = 'handlecomment'; $optionalhandleattribute->value = UtilityText::utf8Encode("Important customer"); $optionalhandleattributes[] = $optionalhandleattribute; Possible values are: "fax" fax number in format +49.12345678, "state" max40chars state for example Sachsen, "handlecomment" max80chars comment for the handle. Value will not be transfered to any registry., "birthdate" dateformatyyyymmdd date of birth in format YYYY-MM-DD, "birthplace" max70chars place of birth, "birthcountrycountrycode" countrycode2char country of birth, "birthstate" max63chars state of birth, "birthplacepostalcode" max12chars place of the postcode, "registrationnumber" max70chars registernumber, "idcardnumber" max70chars passportnumber, "idcardissuedate" dateformatyyyymmdd passport date of issue in format YYYY-MM-DD, "idcardissueauthority" max70chars passport issuing authority, "taxnumber" max70chars tax number, "vatnumber" max70chars sales tax number, "aeroensid" max70chars aeroensid mandatory for .aero domains, "aeroenspassword" max70chars aeroenspassword mandatory for .aero domains, "xxxmemberid" max20chars xxxmemberid mandatory for .xxx domains, "xxxmemberpasswort" max20chars xxxmemberpasswort mandatory for .xxx domains, "proprofession" max70chars profession mandatory for .pro domains, "traveluin" max20chars traveluin mandatory for .travel domains, "trademarknumber" max80chars brandnumber, "trademarkcountrycode" countrycode2char registry place of the brand, "coopverificationcode" max20chars coopverificationcode, "asiatypeofentity" asiatypeofentity type of legal peronality mandatory for .asia domains. Allowed values are: naturalPerson, corporation, cooperative, partnership, government, politicalParty, society, institution, "asiaformofidentity" asiaformofidentity form of identity mandatory for .asia domains Allowed values are: certificate, legislation, passport, politicalPartyRegistry, societyRegistry, "asiaidentnumber" max255chars identificationnumber mandatory for .asia domains, "jobstitelposition" max70chars title or position mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobswebsite" url URL of website mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobsindustrytype" max128chars type of company mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobscontactisadmin" yesno Yes or No mandatory for .jobs domains, "jobsassociationmember" yesno Yes or No mandatory for .jobs domains, "esnumbertype" esnumbertype NIF/NIE/DNI-number type mandatory for .es domains, "esnifnienumber" max70chars NIF/NIE/DNI-number mandatory for .es domains, "uritemplate" uritemplate Contact for .de Domains that starts either with mailto:email@domain.tld or a URL to a contact form. You can add {Alabel} (ACE-String) or {Ulabel} (UTF-8-String) that contains domain name including top-level domain., "countryofcitizenshipcountrycode" countrycode2char country of countryofcitizenship, "nexusCategory" nexus category C11, C12, C21, C31, C32 mandatory for .us domains
Return value Responsemessage: $responsemessage with information about result of the action like short and long resultmessages, message status, etc.
Exported types
This is an array type of PollObject.
Array of ArrayOPollObject values
This is an array type of Dnsrecord.
Array of Dnsrecord values
This is an array type of int.
Array of inter values
This is an array type of Optionalhandleattribute.
An Optionalhandleattribute array type
This is an array type of string.
An string array type
This is an array type of positiveInteger.
An positiveInteger array type
Handle Ids of contacts.
- string ownerc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string adminc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string techc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string zonec (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string billingc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string onsitec (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string generalrequest (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
- string abusecontact (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Id of contact handle.
DNS record.
- positiveInteger id (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Unique of the record. Leave id empty for new records.
- string hostname (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Hostname of the record. Use '@' for root of domain.
- recordtypes type (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Type of Record like A or MX.
- string priority (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Required for MX records.
- string destination (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Target of the record.
- deleterecordflag deleterecord (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
TRUE when record will be deleted|boolean FALSE when record will persist
- string state (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
State of the record. Read only, inputs are ignored.
DNS record set
- ArrayOfDnsrecord dnsrecords (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Array of DNS records for a zone.
Contains DnssecentryObject objects.
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry1 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry2 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry3 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry4 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry5 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry6 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry7 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry9 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry10 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry11 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry12 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry13 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry14 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry16 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry17 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry18 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry19 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
- DnssecentryObject dnssecentry20 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssec entry
Use infoDomain to find out which DNSSEC Type is needed.
- dnssectype dnssectype (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Type of the DNSSEC records to provide (digest or publickey).
- publickey publickey (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Public key of DNSKEY or digest key for digest keys. Base64 hash of public dnssec key or ds record
- integer flags (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Identifies Type of DNSKEY for example 257 or digesttype for digest keys.
- positiveInteger algorithm (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Code number for used algorithm
- positiveInteger keytag (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
DNS zone
- domainname name (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Name of the zone - this is a domain name.
- positiveInteger ttl (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
time-to-live Time in seconds a domain name is cached locally before expiration and return to authoritative nameservers for updated information. Recommendation: 3600 to 172800
- positiveInteger serial (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
serial of zone. Readonly.
- positiveInteger refresh (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Time in seconds a secondary name server waits to check for a new copy of a DNS zone. Recommendation: 3600 to 14400
- positiveInteger retry (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Time in seconds primary name server waits if an attempt to refresh by a secondary name server failed. Recommendation: 900 to 3600
- positiveInteger expire (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Time in seconds a secondary name server will hold a zone before it is no longer considered authoritative. Recommendation: 592200 to 1776600
- boolean dnssecstatus (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Status of DNSSSEC in this nameserver. Enabling DNSSEC possible every 24 hours.
Domain Object
- string domainname (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Name of the domain.
- Nameserverentries nameserverentry (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
nameserserver1 to nameserver8 with Nameserverentry objects.
- positiveInteger customernumber (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
customer number of reseller at netcup.
- Contactentries assignedcontacts (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Ids of the contact handles for each contact type.
- boolean ownerchangerunning (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
TRUE when ownerchange has to be confirmed|boolean FALSE no ownerchange is running.
- boolean cancellationrunning (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
TRUE when cancellation has to be confirmed|boolean FALSE no cancellation is running
- string nextbilling (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Date when domain is billed the next time in format YYYY-MM-DD
- positiveInteger runtimemonths (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Runtime in months for this domain.
- string lastupdate (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Information when the domain was updated last time at the registry. Not avaliable for all registries.
- string domaincreated (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Information when the domain was created at the registry. Not avaliable for all registries.
- string deletiondate (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Information when the domain is going to be deleted at the registry. Not avaliable for all registries.
- string authcode (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
AuthInfo code for this domain.
- string state (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Domain can be inclusive or additional
- Registrycontacts registrycontacts (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Handle Names like ABC12365445 or DENIC-415-R-1351 for each contact type.
- float priceperruntime (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Price for next billing of the domain.
- dnssectype dnssectype (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Type of the DNSSEC records to provide. Valid values are "unknown", "digest", "publickey" or "unavailable".
- DnssecentriesObject dnssecentries (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Dnssecentries for this domain (optional).
Contact handle
- positiveInteger id (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string type (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
type of the handle like organisation or person
- string name (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name of the contact.
- string organisation (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
organisation like company name.
- string street (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string postalcode (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
postal code
- string city (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string countrycode (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
countrycode in ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 format. 2 char codes like CH for Switzerland.
- string telephone (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
telephone number
- string email (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
email address
- ArrayOfOptionalhandleattributes optionalhandleattributes (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Optional handle attributes in a array of type Optionalhandleattribute
- boolean assignedtodomain (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
is handle in use.
Contains Nameserverentry objects.
At least two different nameserver needed.
- Nameserverentry nameserver1 (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver2 (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver3 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver4 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver5 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver6 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver7 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
- Nameserverentry nameserver8 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Object with information about nameserver.
Nameserver entry.
Hostname is mandatory.
- string hostname (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Hostname of the nameserver
- string ipv4 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
IPv4 address
- string ipv6 (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
IPv6 address
An optional handle attribute.
- string item (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name of the optional attribute
- string value (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Value of optional attribute
Object that is returned after a poll command.
- positiveInteger id (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string action (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string status (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- positiveInteger statuscode (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string shortmessage (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string longmessage (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string apikey (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string serverrequestid (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string clientrequestid (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string requestdatetime (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string domainorhandle (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string messageformat (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
- string apisessionid (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Handle Names like ABC12365445 or DENIC-415-R-1351
- string ownerc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string adminc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string techc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string zonec (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string billingc (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string onsitec (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string generalrequest (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
- string abusecontact (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
name Name of handle at registry.
Response message of a request send to the api.
- string serverrequestid (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Unique ID for the request, created by the server
- string clientrequestid (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Unique ID for the request, created by the client
- string action (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Name of the function that was called.
- string status (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Staus of the Message like "error", "started", "pending", "warning" or "success".
- positiveInteger statuscode (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Staus code of the Message like 2011.
- string shortmessage (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Short message with information about the processing of the messsage.
- string longmessage (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Long message with information about the processing of the messsage.
- string responsedata (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Data from the response like domain object.
Object that is returned after successful login.
- string apisessionid (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Unique API session id created by login command.
Object that conaints information about a top-level domain.
- topleveldomain topleveldomainname (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Name of the top-level domain.
- float priceperruntime (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Price for next billing of the domain.
- float setupfee (nillable = FALSE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Set-up fee paid once.
- positiveInteger runtimemonths (nillable = TRUE, minoccurs = 1, maxoccurs = 1)
Runtime in months for this domain.
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